Baltic Sea Project Camp Hailuoto 2024

22 Mai 2024, 9:11 pm
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From Wednesday, 24 April until Friday, 26 April 2024 the Finnish BSP held its international Sustainability Camp on the island of Hailuoto, which is located in the northernmost part of the Baltic Sea, where the sea water freezes in winter. And this is exactly what we experienced during the entire Camp. The Camp took place at the western tip of  Hailuoto, where we permanently had a great view of the frozen Baltic Sea.

In addition to exploring the breathtaking surroundings, which included bird watching, microscoping invertebrates from local streams and learning about the post-glacial landrise phenomenon, the Finnish BSP made sure that the Camp participants had a truly enriching sustainability learning experience. The program and the workshops during this Camp offered a wide range of opportunities to learn about sustainability such as a waste food battle, a STEAM challenge and talks with marine biologists. At the same time participants had the chance to get creative during the upcycling project and connect with the students and teachers from other countries. We were 80 people from Estonia, Germany and Finland.